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executed projects

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realised Mystery Shopper audits

Customer experience management, mystery shopper – Quality Watch

Quality Watch is a company that provides solutions in fields like: Customer Service Standards, Quality Management, Customer Experience, Management, Customer Journey and Customer Intelligence. Our team forms processes and services which create customer experience and generate benefits. Our specialization are Mystery Shopper, Mystery Client, Mystery Caller, Mystery E-mail etc.

As one of few polish company we support customers’ needs and opinions defining, monitoring of acquisition and purchase-satisfaction as well as creating loyalty and affection for a product as factors that trigger sales growth. Quality watch has a great experience in creating and implementing new works standards. We map out strategy, monitor customer service (Mystery Shopper) and optimize related process in order to raise customer satisfaction and create affection for a brand

Our selling point is a team of professionals – experts, economists, researches, instructors, technicians which enables operating in various brands and industries, cooperating with clients and conduct new, interesting projects. Quality Watch selectively choose coworkers considering their experience, knowledge, modern approach and innovative ideas (IT). It helped out to form a team of professional workers with high-quality education, wide knowledge and experience. .

Quality Watch experts are ready for challenges. Our team carries out project both in Poland and abroad.

The best has trusted us – there are leading banks and famous brands among our clients who have chosen our tools – Mystery Shopping, customer satisfaction study and many more. The main factor of success are the sales effects which are related to customer satisfaction – and we know it. We create customers’ satisfaction in order to generate permanent affection for a brand.




Customer Experience approach consists of three stages:

Stage 1: Recognition of current Customer Journey Map.
Stage 2: Analysis of customer experience.
Stage 3: Destined Customer Journey Map, perfect type defining, recommendation giving and goals determining.

Such an approach supports building a strategy adjusted to a particular client.

In this approach a significant part is to create customer experience’s data mapping, looking for links between contact point and communication channel. It is essential to define what customer service’s processes need to be changed, eliminated, implemented.

TAKE CARE OF: Define clients profile. Answer a question who is the client and what experiences are important for him/her.
GET TO KNOW: What experiences are offered currently and where.
CREATE: What is missing and what has to be changed, what is worth doing to correspondent client’s expectations?
CHECK: What is a client’s reaction? What does he/her say? Tests, researches.
IMPLEMENT: Taking an initiative, implementing recommendation, training courses.

We create processes in order to support added value’s building for clients and providing high quality customer service.

Project background
Nowadays, all the branches aim at simplifying formalities and bureaucratic processes. It is essential for modern companies and organizations to create positive customer experience at every occasion.

One of the elements which triggers clients’ aversion toward particular brand is excess of bureaucracy, plenty of documents and difficulty to fill them.

Effect of project
Project raises clients satisfaction in fields like signed contracts, their transparency and understanding. The aim of project is to create a contract which is effortless to understand for everyone.

Proposed methodology
Project is divided into two stages:

Stage I: Optymization of contracts’ content.
Used methods: benchmark, In-depth interviews (IDI) with banks’ clients. Focus groups (FGI) with prospective banks’ clients, juridical analysis, professional analysis.

Stage II: Optymization of contracts’ format
Used methods: desk research, focus group interview (FGI), professional workshops

Project Background
Lifestyle, means of transport, skills or even world-view of average people determinate way they use particular products, their needs and expectations towards purchase channel. Approaching clients as ordinary person helps to distinct solutions which are characteristic for this segment and adjusted exclusively for particular customers.

Aims and effects of project
Determination of typical client profile supports:

  1. Precise offer personalization,
  2. Improvement of sales efficiency thanks to properly directed offer for particular customer segments,
  3. Imporvement of customer communications thanks to proper identification of their needs and way they use varoius communication channel.

Proposed methodology
According to the population study Quality Watch determinates the most typical customer profile. We map out Customer Journey Map for each type of client/segment.

Project Background
It is essential for seller to determine critical points – elements which influence purchase or its rejection.

Aims and effects of project

  1. Aims and effects of project.
  2. Collection of customer information, their customs, and buying behaviour
  3. Determination of customer’s touchpoints and brand.
  4. Analysis of critical points, which influence purchase or its rejection.
  5. Reduction of customer lost at each touchpoint.

Proposed methodology
It is necessery to own appropiate information about a client to create Customer Journey Map. We propose to use following tools:

  • Asissted purchase – a researcher accompany a clinet dyring shopping,
  • questionnaire surveys with clients,
  • survey methodology with shops’ owners,
  • analysis of online complaints.

Project background
Quality Watch’s experience in filed of Customer Experience shows customer dissatisfaction as gradable. Various scale of dissatisfaction is enhancer of particular actions taken by a customer.

  1. Group I – Customer dissatisfaction is medium but a seller does not have to be informed.
  2. Group II – Customer dissatisfaction is high and a seller needs to be informed  but a client does not expect any compensation.
  3. Group III – Customer satisfaction is extremely high and they expect a compensation.

Aims and effects of project

  1. Aims and effects of project,
  2. Determination of reasons of customer dissatisfaction,
  3. Determination of solutions countering customer loss,
  4. Identification of critical points.

Proposed methodology

  • Analysis of complaints – determination of reasons of customer dissatisfaction,
  • Critical points techniques – gathering information about extraordinary events identified by a client,
  • Customer loss analysis – determination of customer loss rate,
  • Return information from customer (complaint, questions) analysis,
  • wywiad kwestionariuszowy (CATI, CAWI, PAPI).

Project background
Website is one of the main and the most often used communication channel between client and company. Often enough client visits website before going to a shop or contacting company by a phone. In case of online store, website substitutes direct business deal in a shop. Therefore, it is significant to create understandable communication, information access and intuitive navigation.

Aims and effects of project
Audit applies to utility and functionality of website and delivers significant information regarding customer behavior during using website, burdens they meet, reasons why they leave website, what is interesting for them. Utility audit provides:

  • Utility opitimization – raises website efficiency, information access facility,
  • extends customer stay on website,
  • facilitates information access, taking actions,
  • stop client from leaving website increasing his curiosity.

Proposed methodology
We adjust methods to online background, examples of used methods:

  • Expert audits (heuristic),
  • indirect studies with users (heat maps of clicks, maps of scrolling pages),
  • Focus group with users who take certain actions (according to scennario) on website, their actions are observed by a moderator or recorded to analyze them later,
  • Individual in-depth interview (IDI) with users.

Project background
Customer satisfaction of service and its quality influences loyalty and profitability of taken actions. We offer model which pays attention to quality of service testing in entire net of shops/companies. Quality Watch focuses on knowledge delivering in terms of quality of service in shops/companies and participate in quality managing less.

Aims and effects of project

  • wide knowledge about standards implementing in net of shops/companies,
  • possesing information about each shop/company every month,
  • information about audits will be wider thanks to various factors of analysis which is offered by our own browser Q-view (browser containing audits’ results)
  • audits results might be linked to bonus system of directors, managers.

Proposed methodology
Visits in shop/company are diversified in every time of a year and that helps to avoid auditors unmasking. Quality Watch offers following options of visits:

  • Difference regarding goal of visit: scennarios wil be prepared depending on customer specifity,
  • difference regarding type of visit: informational, with intention of purchase,
    • with intention of purchase: product opening and closing,
  • additional visits regarding: untypical questions, factography assesment, other shop/company customer etc.

Project Background
Customer experience building should be created at each level of communication process. Contact Centre is often a first level of client communication process. Quality Watch experience shows how many sales opportunity are lost at the initial stage. Thus, it is essential to build proper customer relations since the very beginning.

Aims and effect of project

  • Quality of customer service in Contact Centre definition,
  • Quality of standards in Contact Centre audit,
  • Best Practice applied in contact Centre identification,
  • Groups of significant „leaders” in sealing proces definition,
  • possibility of phone calls constant analysis and transfer of best practice and standards.

Proposed methodology
We offer audit based on Mystery Shopper technique. Mystery Shoppers are to process a task through remote devices – mail, phone. Visiting a shop/company would be as a last resort.

Project background
Customer experience is created through all communication channel used by a client. Therefore, it is essential to make his/her experience consistent – quality of service should be high regardless using communication channel.

Final client uses various communication channels. A choice depends on his/her current needs and preferences.

Aims and effects of project
The biggest advantage of this approach is comprehensive quality of service monitoring through all communication channels.

The biggest advantage of this approach is comprehensive quality of service monitoring through all communication channels.

Proposed methodology
Project consists of audits conducted from customers’ point of view so that auditors are able to behave freely and act as a regular client.

Using various audit scennarios considering communication channel and goal of audit. Scennario examples:

  • Informational visit in terms of chosen service/product,
  • Visiting shop/company in order to buy service,
  • Visiting shop/company in order to prolonge contract.

Occuring communication channels in these types of audtis:

  • Visit in shop/company,
  • Helpline,
  • Phone calls with chosen shop/company,
  • Website – on-line services,
  • Mail contact.

Project background
Some of copmanies’ offers and services are reserved just for small business clients. It happens mostly in case of banks or companies offering insurances. Average auditors are not able to play small business client as they are asked for security information.

Aims and effects of project

  • Secure quality of service audit, Customer has a possibility to know real clients’ opinions considering oferred service/product,
  • Exclusion of auditor unmasking,
  • To know real conditions – how particular elements of service and proposed offer look like in practical way

Proposed methodology
Small business clients audits are known as Mystery Client. This technique applies to typical Mystery Shopper audits. The difference is a profile of person conducting an audit. Mystery Client is both entrepreneur and potential customer of a company. Auditors are selected considering necessary criteria to conduct a task.

Project Background
Sales Representatives may make lots of benefits for a copmany. To determine what factors influence sales level, we reccommend to conduct Quality of Sales Representative work monitoring.

Aims and effect of project

  1. Current knowledge about fulfilling sales representatives’ duties,
  2. To create assessment system of sales representatives’ work,
  3. To implement their marks to on-line platform so that it is easy to manage their work,
  4. Possibility to link assessment system with bonus system.

Proposed methodology

  1. Full image of relations between sales representatives and shops:
    a) Satisfaction of working with sales representatives,
    b) Feedback from shops cooperating with sales representatives,
    c) Information about obstacles which have occured while working with sales representative access.
  2. Credibility of work done by sales representatives monitoring:
    a) Sales representatives’ duties verification (available products, marketing materials availibility),
    b) Exact results of audits collated in particular areas.

Project background
Opinion-forming media as well as significant research agencies create rankings of companies in terms of quality of service in particular branch. These are examples of such rankings in financial industry:

  • Newsweek Friendly bank,
  • Newsweek Friendly bank ,
  • Forbes  Ranking.

Results of these rankings are important for brand image thus, companies aim at being ranked at the highest position.

Aims and effect of project
Conducting a study supports to point out what elements need ro be improve to be at better position in ranking:

  • to determine what factors need to be imporved in terms of quality of service for individual client before creating a ranking,
  • to identify critical points,
  • to check to what extent are procedures intuitive and subjective.

Proposed methodology
A study will be conducted using the same methods as ones of buliding ranking. Customer profile will be created as well.

Project background
Marketing and advertising of sales is a complicated and complex process, but if a marketing campaign is well organized, then makes benefits. One of process supporting sale is a sampling method. It is distribution of samples giving for free. To manage this process effectively it needs to be monitored.

Aims and effect of project
Checking following tasks:

  1. Preparation a stand,
  2. Marketing and advertising materials,
  3. Checking knowledge of hostesses and promoters.

Proposed methodology

  • Auditors’ visits in shop and evaluating services and sampling action,
  • Enough big research smaple providing proper representativness,
  • Presency of advertising materials monitoring,
  • Possibility to set time of audits,
  • Recurrence of monitoring enables analysis of changes and comparing measurments.

Project background
Markets with all its products and services in abudance trigger price competition. Companies offer their products and services in lower price what should raise their market share.

Aims and effect of project

  1. To set the prices of products in average channel/nets of markets,
  2. to determine differences and price fluctuation in a market
  3. to estimate average price for product in particular location (district/city/region/country),
  4. Price analysis supports to determine what does a seller forego offering lower prices and what is necessery to be done in terms of being price leader at the market.

Proposed methodology

  • Sample will be selected providing appropriate representativeness,
  • stock keeping unit will be determined and monitored,
  • photos will make audit reliable,

recurrence of monitoring enables analysis of changes and comparing measurments.

Project background
Even high quality of service does not always makes bennefits for a company/shop. Therefore, approach we offer is focused on collecting information from clients who are not auditors and do not have to adjust their answers to questions in questionnaire.

Aims and effect of project

  • The information for Client will be directly delievered from real clients.
  • Salesmen will be aware of fact that each client may be an auditor fulfilling a quaestionnaire. It is an extremely strong factor motivating to serve customer properly.
  • All results are collected in browser so that they are available 24/h during a study.
  • Voice of Customer partly differs from Mystery Shopper. There are few disadvantages in terms of Mystery Shopper which do not occur in Voice of Customer method. Voice of Customer also deliver information about satisfaction of service.

Proposed methodology

  • All the communication channels to contact a client will be used during conducting this project. Considering type of contact with client, he/she will get coupon with unique code.
  • Code will enable to log in to a platform and access questionnaire finding quality of service and satisfaction.

Code will enable to log in to a platform and access questionnaire finding quality of service and satisfaction.

Project background
Quality of service monitoring is a key factor in terms of managing each sale process. Often enough quality of service study are based on average visit’s questionnaire but unusual cases happen as well. They are difficult to identify, thus, we propose a solution which helps to get information about real conversations of workers. This enables to monitor all occurring obstacles.

Aims and effect of project

  • To eliminate risk of auditor’s influence on visit and assesment of a worker,
  • Analyzed conversations will help to check how workers adjust to standards. It also support indentification of areas – when worker works according to standards but do not fell comfortably doing it,
  • the higher is a number of marks evaluating workers a credibility of results  is higher as well,
  • workers will be more motivated as they know each single conversation can be part of their individual assemssment,
  • recordings will enable to determine reactions of real clients in the event of particular behaviour.
  • all kinds of obstacles will be monitored, not only chosen ones as it is in case of MS studies.

Proposed methodology
Shops/companies will be ecquipped with recording system (audio, video). Conversation conducting by a worker will be recorded then. What is more, each shop/company must have sing informing about recording.

Each conversation is categorized considering fllowing variable:

  • A problem client is coping with,
  • Type of conversation: to inform, to sale,
  • Customer segment.

Project background
Standard Mystery Shopper study auditors aim at avoiding unmasking and keep masked at each stage of a project. Results of audit are delivered to a research agency, formulated and handed in to a client. The advantage of this solution is a fact that worker do not get to know their mistakes or a feedback is delivered way too late so that they cannot remember particular cases.

Aims and effect of project

  • To evaluate adapting to standards while working and professionalism of sale process,
  • To look for lack of particular elements in terms of quality of service,
  • To determine strong elements of quality of service,
  • To verify quality of service in particular areas,
  • To point out recommendations and ways enabling to avoid unwanted elements,
  • Regular training for staff in quality of service based on particular cases.

Proposed methodology

Auditor/trainer conducts standard MS study according to questionnaire, then he/she disclose a truth and discuss strong and weak points of quality of service with a worker.

Project Background
Sales net managing applies to a neccessity of solving problem and taking care of high customer satisfaction. Often enough unusal cases and obstacles are caused by trivial causes and are difficult to define. NPS/MS-check method contributes to exact and immediate identification of problems and solving them.

Aims and effects of project
Auditors will be selected to identify causes of NPS drop in sales net. Actions taken by them will deliver in-depth information about low NPS results, customer point of view. Gathered information will help out to create particular solutions.

Proposed methodology
NPS rate is kind of an alarm bell that informs about dysfunction of some elements of a process. MS audits will be conducted concerning only NPS results in some areas. In the event of NPS rate drop auditors will take an action and conduct audits according to a scenario linked to a particular problem.

Project background
Nowadays shops offer endless number of products what makes clients likely to overlook them passing shop windows. To make brand outstanding it is significant to display its products in more effective way.

Aims and effects of project

  1. Monitoring of existence of product in retail store helps out to assess efficiency of bulk sale.
  2. To verify which brands out of particular category are better displayed in particular shops.
  3. To control implementation of merchandise concepts.
  4. Information about esthetics of exposure and placement of advertising materials (POSM)
  5. To identify incompatibility in term of sales agreement that occur in particular shop.
  6. Analysis is a basic factor in terms of creating and modifications of merchendise standards.

Proposed methodology
Areas of auditors work is adjusted to customers’ needs and specificity of a brand. Auditors conducting a study and sample of shops will be selected properly to provide appropriate representativness:

  • SKU will be determined and monitored,
  • Auditor will verify existence and prominence of advertising materials considering their validity,
  • Audits will be more reliable thanks to taken photos,
  • Recurrence of monitoring will help out to analyze changes and compare measurments.

Project background
Nowadays shops offer endless number of products what makes clients likely to overlook them passing shop windows. To make brand outstanding it is significant to display its products in more effective way.

Aims and effects of project

  1. To define shelf space share according to SKU/brand/category
  2. To define shelf space share according to SKU/brand/category
  3. To verify what brands – out of particular category – are better displayed in an individual shop.

Proposed methodology
A study is conducted using Roamler App

  • A study is conducted using Roamler App,
  • Auditors choose a task,
  • Auditors take photos and answer  simple questions.

Project background
It is essential to know how prominent is a company at the market in terms of shop existence.

Aims and effects of project

  1. Current circumstances at the market,
  2. to know current trends,
  3. to identify main competitors at the local and international market,
  4. To identify strength and weaknesses of competitors, so-called WOW effects,
  5. To know own adventages and prevalences.

Proposed methodology
Benchamrking is one of basic tools to define company’s position againts its competitors. There are possibility of benchmark concerning quality of cervice and analysis of particular brands existence.

We offer two approaches of the study, they differ in sampling and way of deduction:

  • We offer two approaches of the study, they differ in sampling and way of deduction.
  • Local benchmark – it enables to define position of individual shops/companies concerning the most prominent local competitors. It enables to create or keep position at a local market.

Project background
Quality of service managing is an effective method if it is composed of few stages. The basic factor is to create right quality of service standard and to implement it. Monitoring conducted later helps out to take an action in case of any obstacles affecting quality of service and its managing.

Aims and effects of project

  • Client will get proffessional analysis of current quality of service standard and complex comparison of expectations and results,
  • Client will know current standard that need to be modified,
  • Client will get recommendation considering key actions that aim at raising quality of service.

Proposed methodology
We recommend an audit ro be based on following stages:

  • Analysis of current standard together with account of studies conducted in the past,
  • Workshops with project team,
  • Workshops with employees,
  • Workshop with project team – presentation of recommendation concerning quality of service standard.




  • Mystery Shopper, Mystery Caller, Mystery Web
  • Qualitative research (FGI, FGI online, IDI, ITI)
  • Quantitative methods (PAPI, CAPI, CATI, CAWI)
  • Participant observation
  • Expert-group
  • Dyad/Triad interview
  • Face to face interview
  • Social consulting
  • Hall Test
  • Online Research Panels
  • SWOT analysis
  • Public opinions surveys
  • Public opinions surveys
  • Public opinions surveys
  • U&A
  • Stress Test

Products and services design

  • Customer experience
  • Customer journey
  • Customer intelligence
  • Quality of service standards
  • Client communications
  • Knowledge&resources managing
  • Strategy defining
  • Strategy defining
  • Recommendations
  • Coperation satisfaction analysis
  • Benchmarking
  • Cost optimization
  • Feasibility study

Implementation and trainings

  • Sales growth rate
  • Quality of service improvement
  • List of quality of service standards
  • Solutions implementation
  • Processes monitoring
  • Effect assessment
  • Soft skills training
  • Creativity workshops
  • Information managment system
  • Internal communicationas applications
  • Implemention of new communication channel
  • Own IT solutions
  • Gamification
  • Effects assessment



Finance sector is a main industry for our company. We have a wide experience in conducting projects with bank, insurances and leasing leaders. We offer broad range of services: own IT solutions, quality of service management, horology and optimization of processes, list of quality of service standards, customer service system, implementation and monitoring of processes, solutions implementation, effects assessment, customer segmentation, trade offers. We offer also services concerning quality of work study, satisfaction study, competition study, benchmark.


Quiddity of taken actions is to determine wheter customers choose a particular product and why, to determine factors influencing their choice and to elaborate a scheme of actions so that a sales rate grows. The most significant services we offer are: competitors’ brand positioning, brand loyalty defining, loyalty level defining, customer choice testing, marketing efficiency test, sales capacity testing, demand defining, sales representatives work monitoring.


Industry of OTC drug is specific, recommendation given by pharmacies is a great market advantage for OTC’s producers. Therefore, the services of Quality Watch are focused on monitoring those recommendation, listing them, evaluating reliances between recommendation and sales rate of a product.

It is essential to put pressure on high quality of service and being prominent considering high competitivness. Quality Watch offers wide range of services in this field: quality of service (quality of service standards, vocabulary, attirement, customer satisfaction, brand image), customer segmentation, trade offers, spatial arrangement study, visibility of commercials and logos.


Quality Watch has carried out projects for the biggest companies at polish energy market. Market research are basic factor in terms of communication strategy thus, we offer preferences and attitudes study, product concept study, employee satisfaction study, customer satisfaction, brand image study.


Often enough clients of gas station buy not only a petrol but also other products or services. Gas stations are great points to offer a hot coffe or a hot meal as well. New solutions aim at optimizing processes and facilitating service. Quality Watch offer: quality of service study using Mystery Shopper, spatial arrangement optimization, POS visibility, benchmark, analysis of customers taking-over from a competitor – customer satisfaction benchmark.


Logistics industry is one of those which had been rapidly developing even during the crisis. As a result there are strong competitors and that brings others to raise quality of services. Quality Watch offers satisfaction of transporters and couriers study, factors determining customer choice study, efficiency of marketing study, sales potential study, customer segmentation, projects that aim at raising quality of service based on Customer Experience methodology.


Insurance industry is rapidly changing, the are more and more competitors, offers, innovative solutions. Quality Watch offers wide range of services. The main services are: quality of service study, customer satisfaction, listing quality of service standard, sales process testing, customer segmentation, benchmark.

Tourism Industry

Quality Watch has wide experience in this field which exceed research projects. As a part of consortium our company prearranged polish tourism industry to host tourists from Asia. As a quality of service influences tourism industry we had an opportunity to wider our horizons in terms of quality of service. We propose to monitor process at each touchpoint customer and brand. Starting with sales office, quality of service and image factors as appearance of employee.

Automotive Sector

One of the most significant thing in this field is a dealer and relations between salesman and a customer. It is built of commitment and knowledge of an employee. Quality Watch offers services like: knowledge test for employees, net of dealers study – quality of service audit using Mystery Shopper, Customer Service Standards, brand awareness study, mobile application and website study.


Quality Watch Sp. z o. o.
ul. F. Klimczaka 1, KL. A, IIP
02-797 Warszawa

NIP: 1132702165
REGON: 141254429
KRS: 0000295387

Mail: sales@qualitywatch.pl










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